Java – Creating UML Class Diagrams in NetBeans 7.1.1


I want to install/enable the NetBeans plugin for creating and viewing UML diagrams, as seen here. However, fairly extensive searching has turned up results for NetBeans 6.5 and lower, whereas I am using NetBeans 7.1.1. (I've tried those solutions, though, but to no avail; what they said should be in the IDE was not, such as the Update Manager) Does anyone know how to get NetBeans 7.1.1 to show UML diagrams of Java projects?

Best Answer

Here is how to install on 7.1

Add a new configuration to update centers: Tools -> Plugins -> Settings -> Add

As the URL copy the following into the textbox:

Now on the tab Available Plugins there should be UML in category UML. Install the plugin, and its done..!!