Java – Describing a string array in a wsdl file


I'm using the globus toolkit for a project. In my service i have a resource: a string array. I want to get this resource from an Android client. How can I do that? How can I describe in the wsdl file the type "array of string"?
Thank you.

Best Answer

I guess you're looking for this

<complexType name='ArrayOfString'>
        <element name='item' type='xsd:string' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>



I've done a test using NetBeans 7.0.1. The results were this:

Declare a method that receives a String[] parameter:

@WebMethod(operationName = "helloArray")
public String helloArray(@WebParam(name = "name") String[] name) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Hello ");
    if (name != null) {
        for(int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
            if (i < (name.length - 1)) {
                sb.append(" and ");
    return sb.toString();

The WSDL generated a complex type for my method with a String array element

<xs:complexType name="helloArray">
        <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" 

In the client, the IDE generated a List<String> to consume it:

@XmlType(name = "helloArray", propOrder = {"name"})
public class HelloArray {

    @XmlElement(nillable = true)
    protected List<String> name;

    public List<String> getName() {
        if (name == null) {
            name = new ArrayList<String>();

And a method to consume the service

private String helloArray(java.util.List<java.lang.String> name) {
    edu.home.wsclient.HelloWorldWS port = service.getHelloWorldWSPort();
    return port.helloArray(name);

I've uploaded both projects in this address