Java – Difference between initialization at declaration and initialization in constructor


What is the difference between the following two, and which is more preferable??

public class foo {

    int i = 2;


public class foo {

  int i;
    foo() {

        i = 2;


Best Answer

In your example, there is no difference in behavioural semantics. In Java, all instance field initializers (and instance blocks) are executed after superclass initialization, and before the body of the constructor; see JLS 12.5.

The difference lies in code readability and (in other examples) avoiding repetitious coding and fragility1. These need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

It is also worth noting that there are some cases where you have to initialize in the constructor; i.e. when the initialization depends on a constructor parameter.

1 - The repetitiousness and fragility issues are flip-sides of the same thing. If you have multiple constructors, the "initialize in constructor" approach tends to lead to repetition. And if you add extra fields, you might to add the initialization to all relevant constructors; i.e. fragility.