Java – Disable spring method caching through external property


I configured spring method caching with ehcache and annotation driven configuration.

I would like however to be able to disable it from a configuration file we use in the application.

My first idea was to call net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager.CacheManager() with no arguments if method caching is disabled. This throws exception:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: loadCaches must not return an empty Collection
at org.springframework.util.Assert.notEmpty(

My second idea was to configure the net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager.CacheManager() with default data so that the cache is not used (maxElementsInMemory 0 etc.). But then the cache is still used, which is not what I want.

There is a property net.sf.ehcache.disabled but I do not want do disable hibernate caching that also uses ehcache.

Q How can I configure everything to have spring method caching but disable it from my external configuration file? I do not want to modify the application-context nor the code to enable/disable method caching. Only the configuration file we use in the application can be modified.

Best Answer

What I was looking for was NoOpCacheManager:

To make it work I switched from xml bean creation to a factory

I did something as follows:

public CacheManager cacheManager() {
    final CacheManager cacheManager;        
    if (this.methodCacheManager != null) {
        final EhCacheCacheManager ehCacheCacheManager = new EhCacheCacheManager();
        cacheManager = ehCacheCacheManager;
    } else {
        cacheManager = new NoOpCacheManager();

    return cacheManager;