Java – Eclipse/Java code completion not working


I've downloaded, unzipped and setup Eclipse 3.4.2 with some plugins (noteable, EPIC, Clearcase, QuantumDB, MisterQ).

Now I find when I'm editing Java projects the code completion is not working. If I type String. and press ctrl+space a popup shows "No Default Proposals" and the status bar at the bottom shows "No completions available".

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Try restoring the default options in 'Windows > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced'

An example of the kind of data you see in this preference screen, however not necessarily what you currently have.

eclipse content assist setting

(From Vadim in this blog post " Content Assist Duplicates in Eclipse (Mylyn)":
if have duplicate Mylyn entries, uncheck the duplicate entries that do not contain "(Mylyn)" in their name)

The Eclipse help page defines the default list to restore:

Select the proposal kinds contained in the 'default' content assist list:

  • Other Java Proposals,
  • SWT Template Proposals,
  • Template Proposals,
  • Type Proposals