Java – Embedded MongoDB when running integration tests


My question is a variation of this one.

Since my Java Web-app project requires a lot of read filters/queries and interfaces with tools like GridFS, I'm struggling to think of a sensible way to employ MongoDB in the way the above solution suggests.

Therefore, I'm considering running an embedded instance of MongoDB alongside my integration tests. I'd like it to start up automatically (either for each test or the whole suite), flush the database for every test, and shut down at the end. These tests might be run on development machines as well as the CI server, so my solution will also need to be portable.

Can anyone with more knowledge on MongoDB help me get idea of the feasibility of this approach, and/or perhaps suggest any reading material that might help me get started?

I'm also open to other suggestions people might have on how I could approach this problem…

Best Answer

I have found Embedded MongoDB library which looks quite promising and does what you have asked for.

Currently supports MongoDB versions: 1.6.5 to 3.1.6, provided the binaries are still available from the configured mirror.

Here is short example of use, which I have just tried and it works perfectly:

public class EmbeddedMongoTest {
    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "embedded";

    private MongodExecutable mongodExe;
    private MongodProcess mongod;
    private Mongo mongo;

    public void beforeEach() throws Exception {
        MongoDBRuntime runtime = MongoDBRuntime.getDefaultInstance();
        mongodExe = runtime.prepare(new MongodConfig(Version.V2_3_0, 12345, Network.localhostIsIPv6()));
        mongod = mongodExe.start();
        mongo = new Mongo("localhost", 12345);

    public void afterEach() throws Exception {
        if (this.mongod != null) {

    public void shouldCreateNewObjectInEmbeddedMongoDb() {
        // given
        DB db = mongo.getDB(DATABASE_NAME);
        DBCollection col = db.createCollection("testCollection", new BasicDBObject());

        // when BasicDBObject("testDoc", new Date()));

        // then