Java – Error: Could not download kotlin-gradle-plugin.jar (org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.3.50): No cached version available for offline


Please, I just created a new project with kotlin on android studio 3.5, its giving me this error:" Could not download kotlin-gradle-plugin.jar (org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.3.50): No cached version available for offline "
I cannot do anything as the gradle will not sync successfully, please does anyone know how to resolve this please??

Best Answer

You need to re-enable your Gradle online mode then sync project with Gradle files. Tod do this,

  1. Navigate to Gradle scripts.
  2. Click on build.gradle, a window will open.
  3. To re-enable Gradle online mode, click on the last but one icon(like a switch symbol) shown on the screenshot below.

re-enalbe Gradle online mode

  1. After this, navigate to files in your android studio and click on "sync project with Gradle file" and you will be good to go.