Java – Getting Permissions error while using stream.publish method of facebook API


Hi I want to publsh a post on user's wall but am getting this "permission error" error code 200 when trying to use stream.publish method of facebook api…i hve requested for extended permissions as:"+API_KEY&….&req_perms=read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access

but when i make call to the method stream.publish i am getting this permission seems that req_perms in above url is simply getting ignored..
i am passing "method(stream.publish)","api_key","message","session_key","v","sig" as parametres to url

will be greatful if anyone helps meout in this problem or provide me with proper steps for publishing a post on user's wall…the application is being developed on blackbery platform..

Best Answer

I don't think you can request permissions from login.php. Instead check out prompt_permissions.php

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