Java – Gradle task – pass arguments to Java application


I have a Java application that runs with a custom gradle task and the application requires some arguments upon being invoked. These are:

programName ( string | -f filename | -d key | -h)
    string         Message to be used.
    -d key         Use default messages, key must be s[hort], m[edium] or l[ong].
    -f filename    Use specified file as input.
    -h             Help dialog.

Gradle task looks like:

task run (type: JavaExec){
    description = "Secure algorythm testing"
    main = 'main.Test'
    classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath

I've tried running gradle run -h and it does not work.

Best Answer

Gradle 4.9+

gradle run --args='arg1 arg2'

This assumes your build.gradle is configured with the Application plugin. Your build.gradle should look similar to this:

plugins {
  // Implicitly applies Java plugin
  id: 'application'

application {
  // URI of your main class/application's entry point (required)
  mainClassName = 'org.gradle.sample.Main'

Pre-Gradle 4.9

Include the following in your build.gradle:

run {
    if (project.hasProperty("appArgs")) {

Then to run: gradle run -PappArgs="['arg1', 'args2']"