Java – How to auto-expand a JTree when setting a new TreeModel


I have a custom JTree and a custom JModel; I would for the JTree to "auto-expand" when I give it a new model. At the moment, it simply collapse all the nodes to the root.

Here is an example:

private class CustomTree extends JTree {

    public boolean isExpanded(TreePath path) {
        return ((Person) path.getLastPathComponent).hasChildren();


private class CustomTreeModel extends TreeModel {

    // ... omitting various implementation details

    public boolean isLeaf(Object object) {
        return !((Person) object).hasChildren();


Model model = new Model();
Person bob = new Person();
Person alice = new Person();
JTree tree = new CustomTree(new CustomTreeModel(model));

At this point, the tree correctly displays:


where Alice is a child of Bob (both in the data and in the visual tree)

However, if I call:

tree.setModel(new CustomTreeModel(model));

everything is collapsed:


Is there a way to "auto-expand" everything in the tree when setting a new model?

Best Answer

The following worked for me (called after setting the new model):

for (int i = 0; i < tree.getRowCount(); i++) {
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