Java – How to avoid a useless return in a Java method


I have a situation where the return statement nested in two for loops will always be reached, theoretically.

The compiler disagrees and requires a return statement outside of the for loop. I'd like to know an elegant way to optimize this method that's beyond my current understanding, and none of my attempted implementations of break seem to work.

Attached is a method from an assignment that generates random integers and returns the iterations cycled through until a second random integer is found, generated within a range passed into the method as an int parameter.

private static int oneRun(int range) {
    int[] rInt = new int[range+1]; // Stores the past sequence of ints.
    rInt[0] = generator.nextInt(range); // Inital random number.

    for (int count = 1; count <= range; count++) { // Run until return.
        rInt[count] = generator.nextInt(range); // Add randint to current iteration.
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Check for past occurence and return if found.
            if (rInt[i] == rInt[count]) {
                return count;
    return 0; // Never reached

Best Answer

The compiler's heuristics will never let you omit the last return. If you're sure it'll never be reached, I'd replace it with a throw to make the situation clear.

private static int oneRun(int range) {
    int[] rInt = new int[range+1]; // Stores the past sequence of ints.
    rInt[0] = generator.nextInt(range); // Inital random number.

    for (int count = 1; count <= range; count++) {

    throw new AssertionError("unreachable code reached");