Java – How to change highlighted occurrences color in Eclipse’s sidebar


When you have "Mark occurrences" enabled in Eclipse, placing the cursor on any type/variable/method/etc will highlight all occurrences in the text editor and place a faint bar in the right ruler to show you the location of other occurrences in the file.

Does anyone know where in the Preferences you can change what color is used to highlight the other occurrences in the side ruler? The color is way too faint for me with my current monitor/Windows Aero theme.

I tried to go into Preferences > General > Appearance > Color and Fonts change the color for "Color labels – match highlight" but this didn't seem to apply.

Here is a screenshot with what I am talking about:

Eclipse screenshot

Best Answer

The color in the bar is the same as the color the text is highlighted with in the editor. It is set by going to

Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations

and changing the Occurrences and Write Occurrences colors.