Java – How to change the date format in Swagger documentation


I have the following in my model as described in

@ApiModelProperty(required = true, dataType = "java.time.LocalDate")
private Date mCreatedAt;

However Swagger is still displaying the date as a date-time-with-zone. I also tried org.joda.time.LocalDate. How do I change the documentation date format example?

swagger api docs

Here is the documentation on the property.

SpringFox-Swagger-UI 2.9.2

I noticed this error at top of Swagger UI when run.

Resolver error at paths./$ref
Could not resolve reference because of: Could not resolve pointer: /definitions/LocalDate does not exist in document

Best Answer

You need to use java.sql.Date instead of java.time.LocalDate. If you interested in what is mapped to what check springfox.documentation.schema.Types. Here is full example:

@ApiModelProperty(dataType = "java.sql.Date")
private Date birthDate;

,which will generate the following:

properties: {
  birthDate: {
     type: "string",
     format: "date"

Here is relevant content of springfox.documentation.schema.Types:

private static final Map<Type, String> typeNameLookup = ImmutableMap.<Type, String>builder()
  .put(Long.TYPE, "long")
  .put(Short.TYPE, "int")
  .put(Integer.TYPE, "int")
  .put(Double.TYPE, "double")
  .put(Float.TYPE, "float")
  .put(Byte.TYPE, "byte")
  .put(Boolean.TYPE, "boolean")
  .put(Character.TYPE, "string")
  .put(Date.class, "date-time")
  .put(java.sql.Date.class, "date")
  .put(String.class, "string")
  .put(Object.class, "object")
  .put(Long.class, "long")
  .put(Integer.class, "int")
  .put(Short.class, "int")
  .put(Double.class, "double")
  .put(Float.class, "float")
  .put(Boolean.class, "boolean")
  .put(Byte.class, "byte")
  .put(BigDecimal.class, "bigdecimal")
  .put(BigInteger.class, "biginteger")
  .put(Currency.class, "string")
  .put(UUID.class, "uuid")
  .put(MultipartFile.class, "__file")