Java – How to close std-streams from java.lang.Process appropriate


This question is about java.lang.Process and its handling of stdin, stdout and stderr.

We have a class in our project that is an extension to There we have a quiet new method for closing the std-streams of a Process-Object appropriate? Or is it not appropriate?

 * Method closes all underlying streams from the given Process object.
 * If Exit-Code is not equal to 0 then Process will be destroyed after 
 * closing the streams.
 * It is guaranteed that everything possible is done to release resources
 * even when Throwables are thrown in between.
 * In case of occurances of multiple Throwables then the first occured
 * Throwable will be thrown as Error, RuntimeException or (masked) IOException.
 * The method is null-safe.
public static void close(@Nullable Process process) throws IOException {
    if(process == null) {

    Throwable t = null;

    try {
    catch(Throwable e) {
      t = e;

    catch(Throwable e) {
      t = (t == null) ? e : t;

    catch (Throwable e) {
      t = (t == null) ? e : t;

      try {
        if(process.waitFor() != 0){
      catch(InterruptedException e) {
        t = (t == null) ? e : t;
    catch (Throwable e) {
      t = (t == null) ? e : t;

    if(t != null) {
      if(t instanceof Error) {
        throw (Error) t;

      if(t instanceof RuntimeException) {
        throw (RuntimeException) t;

      throw t instanceof IOException ? (IOException) t : new IOException(t);

public static void closeQuietly(@Nullable Logger log, @Nullable Process process) {
  try {
  catch (Exception e) {
    //log if Logger provided, otherwise discard
    logError(log, "Fehler beim Schließen des Process-Objekts (inkl. underlying streams)!", e);

public static void close(@Nullable Closeable closeable) throws IOException {
  if(closeable != null) {

Methods like these are basically used in finally-blocks.

What I really want to know is if I am safe with this implementation? Considering things like: Does a process object always return the same stdin, stdout and stderr streams during its lifetime? Or may I miss closing streams previously returned by process' getInputStream(), getOutputStream() and getErrorStream() methods?

There is a related question on java: closing subprocess std streams?


As pointed out by me and others here:

  • InputStreams have to be totally consumed. When not done then the subprocess may not terminate, because there is outstanding data in its output streams.
  • All three std-streams have to be closed. Regardless if used before or not.
  • When the subprocess terminates normally everything should be fine. When not then it have to be terminated forcibly.
  • When an exit code is returned by subprocess then we do not need to destroy() it. It has terminated. (Even when not necessarily terminated normally with Exit Code 0, but it terminated.)
  • We need to monitor waitFor() and interrupt when timeout exceeds to give process a chance to terminate normally but killing it when it hangs.

Unanswered parts:

  • Consider Pros and Cons of consuming the InputStreams in parallel. Or must they be consumed in particular order?

Best Answer

An attempt at simplifying your code:

public static void close(@Nullable Process process) throws IOException
    if(process == null) { return; }


        if(process.waitFor() != 0)
    catch(InterruptedException e)
    catch (RuntimeException e)
        throw (e instanceof IOException) ? e : new IOException(e);

By catching Throwable I assume you wish to catch all unchecked exceptions. That is either a derivative of RuntimeException or Error. However Error should never be catched, so I have replaced Throwable with RuntimeException.

(It is still not a good idea to catch all RuntimeExceptions.)