Java – How to enable Task tags (TODO,…) for java


I wanted to use // TODO tags in order to have a Task list.

I'm using Eclipse Helios, I work on a Java project, and the view I openned is "Tasks", not "Task list".
I've checked as well that there is no filter in the "Configure Contents" menu.

But the only Tasks that are listed come from HTML, or JSP files, not my Java classes !

Any ideas ?

PS: Sorry for my english, french people are definitively bad at languages !

Edit: When I write a // TODO task, the flag (the task icon) is well displayed in the left margin.
I've installed the following plugins : M2E, PMD, Subclipse, Google plugin, and the precise eclipse version name is Helios Service Release 2, if it can help.

Final edit : Problem solved ! In fact a related project had build path problems. Using maven, i did not saw it ! All my apologies for such a newbie issue.
Again, thanks for all those who've tried to help me !

Best Answer

Have a look at the preference page Task Tags. Is Enable searching for Task Tags ticked?