Java – How to have multiple datasources with the same JNDI name in JBoss


So, I have a situation where I will be deploying multiple ear files, each of which I need to configure with a different database (potentially).

Right now I have a *-ds.xml file that is deployed in JBoss, with a JNDI name that all my portlets and servlets use to look up the database connection. If I deploy more than one ear file with a *-ds.xml file that points to a different database, but with the same JNDI name, the deployment barfs. Shouldn't JNDI be more modular to prevent naming collision when deploying different application to isolate them.

It will take quite some time to change my lookup in the code, so is there a way to deploy that will work? The only other idea I had would be to set a JNDI property as the value for the datasource name to look up, and then look up that JNDI property first and retrieve the datasource based on the retrieved "key." This seems kind of hackish to me…

Best Answer

You can have the different data source defined on the application server with different name (on the server namespace) and then map it to a resource-ref name (this time component namespace, so each application can have its own one) via the deployment xml file.

For JBoss prior as7: for as7:

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