Java – How to inherit static field and change it’s value


I'm working on program/game where I have static utility class with params.

class ParamsGeneral {
   public static final int H_FACTOR = 100;
   public static int MAX_SCORE = 1000;

then I need to override this values in some specific cases, for example playing on map with limited score. So I did following:

class ParamsLimited extends ParamsGeneral {
   public static int MAX_SCORE = 500;
   // other params stay same

And the intended usage is following:

class Player {
   ParamsGeneral par;
   public Player() {
          par = new ParamLimited();

   public boolean isWinner() {
      if(this.score == par.MAX_SCORE) {
          return true;
      return false;

I haven't actually tested this code, because IDE is complaining about calling static field through instance and also about field hiding. I clearly see that this code is stinks, so is there a way to achieve this or do I have to write each param class separately?

PS: I know I shoud make the default class abstract and use getters, I'm just curious if there is a way to make the values accesible statically.

Best Answer

You cannot override static members - in Java, neither methods nor fields could be overriden. However, in this case it does not look like you need to do any of that: since you have an instance of ParamsGeneral in the par variable, a non-static method would do what you need with the regular override.

class ParamsGeneral {
    public int getMaxScore() {
        return 1000;
class ParamsLimited extends ParamsGeneral {
    @Override public int getMaxScore() {
        return 500;


public boolean isWinner() {
    // You do not need an "if" statement, because
    // the == operator already gives you a boolean:
    return this.score == par.getMaxScore();