Java – How to map JSON field names to different object field names


What is the equiv way in Jackson json annotation for the following jax-b annotations?

I need to produce json rather than xml and need to know the conventional jackson annotations that is equivalently denoted in jax-b.

  1. rename a field.
  2. use getters instead of fields.

These features are especially crucial if the json/xml element name is a java reserved word
like "new", "public", "static", etc.

So that we have to name the POJO fields as "_new_", "_public_", "_static_", etc, respectively,

but use jax-b annotation to rename them back to "new", "public", "static", etc
in the generated XML (and json) elements.

Renaming a field

public class Person{
    @XmlElement(required = true)
    protected String name;
    @XmlElement(required = true)
    protected String address;
    @XmlElement(name = "contractor")
    protected boolean _restricted_ ;
    @XmlElement(name = "new")
    protected boolean _new_ ;

Redirect to using property getter (I think this is how it is done in jax-b)

public class Person{
    protected String name;
    protected String address;
    protected boolean _restricted_ ;
    protected boolean _new_ ;

    @XmlElement(required = true)
    protected String getName() {return name;}
    @XmlElement(required = true)
    protected String getAddress() {return address;}
    @XmlElement(name = "contractor")
    protected boolean getRestricted() {return _restricted_;}
    @XmlElement(name = "new")
    protected boolean getNew(){return _new_;}

Best Answer

Probably it's a bit late but anyway..

you can rename a property just adding


And by default Jackson use the getter and setter to serialize and deserialize.

For more detailed information: