Java – How to post-process files compiled using the Ant javac task


I need the list of files that were compiled during this run. I want to feed this list to a subsequent post-processing step.

I have found an option to list (see listfiles option) the files compiled during this run, but it seems only good for displaying the list on console.

Any idea?

Edit: I am talking about incremental compiles, so taking a fileset of the build folder is not an option.

Edit: One idea seems to be custom logger but I am still looking for something simpler

Edit: Another idea is to use depend selector with FileSet before javac and somehow keep the list in memory, to be used after javac has executed

Best Answer

You simply can form a fileset about all class-files in the target-directory of the javac.

Edit: After the clarification I have to adjust my answer. I didn't such thing yet, but I would try my luck with selectors. The modified-selector looks like the one you want - a fileset of all class-files in a directory, that have changed since the last run. Here is a code-snippet:

<fileset dir="${build}">
   <filename name="**/*.class"/>

It does not directly post-process the output of the javac-task, but should solve your problem.