Java – How to redeploy an application on Jboss within Eclipse


I'm developing a spring-based application with facelets and Java Server Faces which works on Jboss Application Server. As a development Framework, I'm using Eclipse Ganymede Platform Version: 3.4.2 , which integrates the Web Standard Tools and therefore offers support for different servers, like Jboss 5.0.

I'm deploying my app on Jboss within Eclipse. First time it runs fine, but when I try to make some changes and republish my application, it just doesn't get it, so I'm forced to restart the server. This is quite annoying since it takes about a minute or so each time I have to restart JBoss.

So, the question is: is there any means to redeploy apps on Jboss without having to restart it?

Best Answer

Consider the use of JBoss tools plugin. It significantly improves the experience of development with Eclipse and JBoss.