Java – How to resolve a maven build error when a plugin (gwt-maven-plugin) descriptor fails to load


I'm attempting to start a fresh project that hopes to use GWT 1.7.1, the Google Plugin for Eclipse, and Maven 2. I inferred that the best way to do this would be to setup the project using the Mojo gwt-maven-plugin's archetype from this question.

All was going well until I attempted a build. The archetype adds a generateAsync goal, and Maven is reporting that it doesn't know what that goal's default phase should be.

11/30/09 9:09:53 AM EST: Build errors for your-artifact-name-here; org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to construct build plan for: gwt-maven-archetype-project
Id: com.crowehorwath:licensing-forms-gwt:war:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
task-segment: [process-test-resources]. Reason: Failed to load plugin descriptor for: org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin:1.1-SNAPSHOT:generateAsync. Cannot discover it's default phase, specified in its plugin descriptor.

Any ideas? Hopefully I'm missing something simple.

Best Answer

Try version 1.1 of the gwt-maven-plugin instead of 1.1-SNAPSHOT.

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