Java – How to return to a specific line of code in java


OK so this is my first post here. (Be kind to me :)) I'm like two weeks old to java and wanted to create an app that can do the jobs of a total, average and average grader.
My question here is. How can I return to a specific line of code after one operation has ended
Eg: I want the code to runString menu1="Input the number of the operation you desire "; after the total or average has been found.
Thanks in advance

import java.util.Scanner;
public class grader
    public static void main (String args[])
    Scanner input=new Scanner(;
    System.out.println ("Input your Chemistry marks");
    float a= input.nextFloat();

    System.out.println ("Input your Biology marks");
    float b= input.nextFloat();

    System.out.println ("Input your Physics marks");
    float c= input.nextFloat();

    String menu1="Input the number of the operation you desire ";
    String op1="1. Total ";
    String op2="2. Average ";
    String op3="3. Grade ";
    String op4="4. Exit ";
    System.out.println (menu1+op1+op2+op3+op4);

    Scanner menuselect=new Scanner(;
    int option= input.nextInt();

            float tot=(a+b+c);
            float avg=((a+b+c)/3);
    if (option==1)
        System.out.println ("Your total is "+tot);

    else if (option==2)
        System.out.println ("Your average is "+avg);

    else if (option==3)
        if (avg<0.0)
            System.out.println ("Please input proper data");
        else if (avg<=49.9)
            System.out.println ("Fail");
        else if (avg<=69.9)
            System.out.println ("Pass");
        else if (avg<=100.0)
            System.out.println ("Excellent");
            System.out.println ("Please input proper data");

Best Answer

You should use the do-while loop. How it works is it executes some code, checks to see if a condition evaluates to true, and if so, executes the code again.

do {
    //your code here
while (/*some condition*/);