Java how to separate words in a string and store each seperate word in a variable


I need my scanner input to be broken down into separate words or wherever a space occurs. I have it somewhat working, however if the line has too many or too few words, i can't get it to work. Please help me. I have a Monday deadline. Here is my current code.

//import java.util.Scanner;
public class durodyne {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String name;
        String part1;
        String remain1;
        String part2;
        String part3;
        String part4;
        String part5;
        String part6;
        String part7;

        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("Enter Full Product Name");
        name = keyboard.nextLine();

        int space=name.indexOf(' ');

        part1 = name.substring(0, space);

        int space2 = name.indexOf(' ', space + 1);
        int space3 = name.indexOf(' ', space2 + 1);

        part2 = name.substring(space, space2);

        int space4 = name.indexOf(' ', space3 + 1);
        int space5 = name.indexOf(' ', space4 + 1);

        part3 = name.substring(space2, space3);

        int space6 = name.indexOf(' ', space5 + 1);
        int space7 = name.indexOf(' ', space6 + 1);

        part4 = name.substring(space3, space4);

        part5 = name.substring(space4, space5);

        part6 = name.substring(space5, space6);

        part7 = name.substring(space6, space7);]


Best Answer

//your initialization 
List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
 Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Enter Full Product Name");
    name = keyboard.nextLine();
    names = Arrays.asList(name.split(" "));
   //your code