Java – How to specify host and port when accessing a web service from JAX-WS-generated code

javajax-wsweb services

I have a WSDL file for a web service. I'm using JAX-WS/wsimport to generate a client interface to the web service. I don't know ahead of time the host that the web service will be running on, and I can almost guarantee it won't be http://localhost:8080. How to I specify the host URL at runtime, e.g. from a command-line argument?

The generated constructor MyService(URL wsdlLocation, QName serviceName) doesn't seem like what I want, but maybe it is? Perhaps one of the variants of Service.getPort(...)?


Best Answer

The constructor should work fine for your needs, when you create MyService, pass it the url of the WSDL you want i.e. http://someurl:someport/service?wsdl.