Java – How to take single character input from user in Java


In the below example , I am trying accept single character input from user, but when running the program, I get do..while loop executed multiple times. Please see the result of the program below.

If some one could help me with the answer, how to fix this problem?


public class Main {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

            char c;
           // BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
            DataInputStream in =new DataInputStream(;

            // Asking the user what to do with the application

            System.out.println("Would you like to access your account, if yes,type 'Y' or if you want to create a new account press 'N'to exit press 'E' ");          

            byte b = in.readByte();
            c = (char) b;
            c = Character.toUpperCase(c);

            if (c=='Y'){
            else if (c=='N') {
            else if (c=='E'){
                System.out.println("Incorrect Entry, try again: "+c); 

           }while (c!='E');




Would you like to access your account, if yes,type 'Y' or if you want to create a new account press 'N'to exit press 'E' 
Incorrect Entry, try again: A
Would you like to access your account, if yes,type 'Y' or if you want to create a new account press 'N'to exit press 'E' 
Incorrect Entry, try again: S
Would you like to access your account, if yes,type 'Y' or if you want to create a new account press 'N'to exit press 'E' 
Incorrect Entry, try again: D
Would you like to access your account, if yes,type 'Y' or if you want to create a new account press 'N'to exit press 'E' 
Incorrect Entry, try again: F
Would you like to access your account, if yes,type 'Y' or if you want to create a new account press 'N'to exit press 'E' 
Incorrect Entry, try again: G
Would you like to access your account, if yes,type 'Y' or if you want to create a new account press 'N'to exit press 'E' 
Incorrect Entry, try again: A
Would you like to access your account, if yes,type 'Y' or if you want to create a new account press 'N'to exit press 'E' 
Incorrect Entry, try again: F
Would you like to access your account, if yes,type 'Y' or if you want to create a new account press 'N'to exit press 'E' 
Incorrect Entry, try again: 

Would you like to access your account, if yes,type 'Y' or if you want to create a new account press 'N'to exit press 'E' 

Best Answer

Using DataInputStream isn't probably the best way to handle your situation.

DataInputStream buffers the inputs that you typed, which is why you get unwanted lengthy messages with loops.

Try using Scanner instead. Here's an example of Scanner:

Scanner objScanner = new Scanner(;
char c =;