Java – How to use joda time with JPA (eclipselink)


I tried to use the DataTime in my entity class. Adding @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE) above the field, I got the error saying "The persistent field or property for a Temporal type must be of type java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar or java.util.GregorianCalendar". I can introduce the conversion back and forth; using setters and getters as follows:

private Calendar attendanceDate;

public DateTime getAttendanceDate() {
    return new DateTime(this.attendanceDate);

public void setAttendanceDate(DateTime attendanceDate) {
    this.attendanceDate = attendanceDate.toCalendar(Locale.getDefault());

but I hope eclipselink to do it for me. I have gone thro' Persist Joda-time's DateTime via Hibernate. The answer suggesting to use hibernate, but I have to use eclipselink. I can use the DateTime object in my entity class with DB representation as BLOB, but I need it as Date. Is there anything like jodatime-eclipselink? Or any other suggestion? Thanks for the help.

Best Answer

Basic the link defines an EclipseLink Converter to convert from Joda DateTime to java.sql.Timestamp or Date. You could use it, or define your own converter and use it through @Convert, @Converter in EclipseLink.

For DDL creation, the converter should define the initialize method and set the type on the mapping's field to java.sql.Timestamp.

Please log a bug (or vote for the existing one) on this in EclipseLink, we should have support for Joda.