Java – How to wait for Spring WebSocketStompClient to connect


I am using this guide to implement a simple Stomp client:

WebSocketClient webSocketClient = new StandardWebSocketClient();
WebSocketStompClient stompClient = new WebSocketStompClient(webSocketClient);

ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
stompClient.setTaskScheduler(taskScheduler); // for heartbeats

stompClient.setMessageConverter(new StringMessageConverter());

StompSessionHandler sessionHandler = new MySessionHandler();
stompClient.connect("ws://server/endpoint", sessionHandler);


When connection completes it's supposed to report to MySessionHandler asynchronously:

public class MySessionHandler extends StompSessionHandlerAdapter
     public void afterConnected(StompSession session, StompHeaders connectedHeaders) 
         // WAITING FOR THIS

So question is: how the line WAITING HERE should wait for the line WAITING FOR THIS? Is there a specific Spring way of doing this? If not, which generic Java way fits here the best?

Best Answer

Maybe a java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch may solve your problem like this:

CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
StompSessionHandler sessionHandler = new MySessionHandler(latch);
stompClient.connect("ws://server/endpoint", sessionHandler);
// wait here till latch will be zero

And your MySessionHandler implementation:

public class MySessionHandler extends StompSessionHandlerAdapter {
    private final CountDownLatch latch;

    public MySessionHandler(final CountDownLatch latch) {
        this.latch = latch;

    public void afterConnected(StompSession session, 
                               StompHeaders connectedHeaders) {
        try {
            // do here some job
        } finally {