Java – Ignoring property when deserializing


I have a simple interface with getter and setter for a property.

public interface HasMoney { 

      Money getMoney();

      void setMoney(Money money);


I have another class UserAccount which implements this interface.

public class UserAccount implements HasMoney {

       private Money money;

       Money getMoney() // fill in the blanks

       void setMoney(Money money) // fill in the blanks


My problem is that I want to serialize the money property but ignore while deserializing it i.e., dont accept any values from the user for this property. I have tried @JsonIgnore on setter and @JsonIgnore(false) on the getter, it does ignore it but it does so while serializing it also.

I tried @JsonIgnore on the setter and @JsonProperty on the getter just to explicitly tell Jackson that we intend to track this property, that seems to crash the application when money property is sent to the server and Jackson tries to deserialize it throwing up MalformedJsonException : cannot construct object of type Money.

The most wierd thing is that putting @JsonIgnore on the setter and @JsonProperty on the setter works for most cases when the property is primitive.

Best Answer

Version 2.6.0+ allows this to be done with @JsonIgnoreProperties at the class level.

@JsonIgnoreProperties(value={ "money" }, allowGetters=true)

Take a look at this closed issue: