Java – implementing unification algorithm


I worked the last 5 days to understand how unification algorithm works in Prolog .
Now ,I want to implement such algorithm in Java ..

I thought maybe best way is to manipulate the string and decompose its parts using some datastructure such as Stacks ..

to make it clear :

suppose user inputs is:
a(X,c(d,X)) = a(2,c(d,Y)).

I already take it as one string and split it into two strings (Expression1 and 2 ).
now, how can I know if the next char(s) is Variable or constants or etc.. ,
I can do it by nested if but it seems to me not good solution ..
I tried to use inheritance but the problem still ( how can I know the type of chars being read ?)

Best Answer

First you need to parse the inputs and build expression trees. Then apply Milner's unification algorithm (or some other unification algorithm) to figure out the mapping of variables to constants and expressions.

A really good description of Milner's algorithm may be found in the Dragon Book: "Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools" by Aho, Sethi and Ullman. (Milners algorithm can also cope with unification of cyclic graphs, and the Dragon Book presents it as a way to do type inference). By the sounds of it, you could benefit from learning a bit about parsing ... which is also covered by the Dragon Book.

EDIT: Other answers have suggested using a parser generator; e.g. ANTLR. That's good advice, but (judging from your example) your grammar is so simple that you could also get by with using StringTokenizer and a hand-written recursive descent parser. In fact, if you've got the time (and inclination) it is worth implementing the parser both ways as a learning exercise.

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