Java – Importing Selenium Webdriver from Maven to Intellij IDEA


So I wanted to move from Python + Selenium to Java + Selenium. I decided to follow up Selenium documentation and use Maven. I use Intellij IDEA as my IDE. I created project directory, where I placed pom.xml taken from this link with version of selenium-java artifact changed to 2.35.0. Then I did

mvn clean install

After that I imported Maven project to IDEA by using "Import project from Maven". All external libraries are added, but when I try to import Selenium modules it seems that IDE does not recognize them (cannot resolve symbol). Can anyone give me a hand with that? Probably there is something missing n project settings, or any other configuration error?
enter image description here

Best Answer

I had the similar problem. You must create a java module in the maven project directory (it's already your project directory), not in a separate-directory, without creating a project directory inside the Maven, and then all the dependencies will be catch up