Java – Install java 1.5 sdk on Mac OS 10.7


Mac OS 10.7 (Lion) comes with JDK 1.6 and java 6. Is it feasible to install 1.5 as well so the two can co-exist?

Would you just install the JDK in /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions and then update the symlink to 1.5 so it points to the correct version instead of the default 1.6 (latest)?

Then update the JAVA_HOME environment variable accordingly?

Best Answer

I've been following the links and script on this website to install it on Mac OS 10.7.5 64-bit, and it's been working fine except when I install Apple Java Security updates, which seem to make my JDK terminate on startup without any notifications.

Reinstalling it has been fixing the issue.

I also use a simple Bash script to change the JAVA_HOME to the JDK 1.5 location, when I need to switch from 1.6 to 1.5.