Java – IntelliJ disable automatic line splitting


Recently I updated to the newest version of IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4 Ultimate.
Since this update it automatically splits lines for me which is very annoying because I'd like to do that by myself manually.

I might be typing something like this:

throw new IllegalArgumentException("You can only provide one vararg/optional parameter to the end of this method!");

And while typing intellij automatically continues on a new line:

throw new IllegalArgumentException("You can only provide one vararg/optional parameter to the end of this" +
                    " method!");

Now this might seem fine, but is really annoying when intelli decides to do it when you are writing a decimal double for example as it creates errors like this:
enter image description here

How can I disable this feature/modify this behaviour?

Best Answer

Go to Intellij Settings and follow the instructions on these two pictures:

Click Here