Java – IntelliJ IDEA – getClass().getResource(“…”) return null


I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.5, I used to work with Eclipse. I'm working on JavaFX application, I try to load FXML file within my MainApp class using getClass().getResource().
I read the documentation and I try several idea, at the end I have null.

This is the hierarchy :


This is the code snippet I used:

FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();

I tried other solution such giving the url from the root and using the classLoader

the result is the same. Any idea please

Best Answer

I solved this problem by pointing out the resource root on IDEA.

Right click on a directory (or just the project name) -> Mark directory As -> Resource Root.

Recompile & rejoice :P Hope this working for you~