Java – Is it possible to read a properties file from all .war files deployed in a JBoss container


I've managed to deploy a .war to the Jboss web container containing and read the located under /META-INF/groupid-dir/artifactid-dir/

To access the file I've used the following code inside a JSP in the same war:

ServletContext servletContext = getServletConfig().getServletContext(); 
InputStream in = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("META-INF/maven/groupid-dir/artifactid-dir/");

This works just fine. But I want to be able to dynamically read pom.propertes from ALL .war deployed in the container. Is this possible or do I only have access to the context for the one war holder my jsp?


Best Answer

Basically, your application is running on the same machine as the JBoss container, so accessing the files on the local filesystem should be possible, much in the same way you're accessing your own .properties file. I'm not familiar with anything that should prevent you from doing this.

If you want to access files within the war file, you'll need to use the package, as war files are of course normal zip files. Just a friendly reminder.

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