Java – Jboss Seam Booking Example Extract Shared Libs From Ear


Example Booking Application, which JBoss Seam is shipped with, build into EAR file of about 7 MB. That's pretty much if you consider deploying this package to a remote Jboss server and possibly redeploying it package many times during your regular work.

Lib files like richfaces and jsf-facelet make the lion's share of that EAR size. Why can't we just extract lib files into jboss-web.deployer directory on JBoss 4.2.0 GA server?

Best Answer

You could move the dependent libraries out of the EAR file and place them in the proper JBoss lib directories and it should work. But having a large EAR file is really not a signifigant issue. Keeping all those libraries in the EAR file is preferable. If the number of files required to deploy your work is kept to a minimum, it will make life easier for those people who have to deploy and maintain your software.

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