Java – JBoss server connection refused on localhost:1099


I have an instance of JBoss 5.0.1 GA running on a remote server. The server attempts to start a batch service located on the same instance, but it reports connection refused. I found some webpage that said to add the localhost address to, but then the server fails to start altogether. The error code:

10:27:23,831 DEBUG [TimedSocketFactory] createSocket, hostAddr: localhost/, port: 1099, localAddr: null, localPort: 0, timeout: 0
10:27:23,831 DEBUG [NamingContext] Failed to connect to localhost:1099
javax.naming.CommunicationException: Failed to connect to server localhost/ [Root exception is javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException:
Failed to connect to server localhost/ [Root exception is Connection refused]]

I run the command

netstat -anpt

and the list contains the IP of this server and port 1099.

I run

telnet [IP of server] 8080

and it connects successfully.

I run

telnet [IP of server] 1099

and it returns connection refused and some weird characters.

Any ideas on what to do about this? Thanks

Best Answer

  1. Log in into server via ssh and do next actions from terminal on this server.
  2. Run netstat -anpt | grep 1099
  3. Check state of 1099 port is LISTEN. Remember program name and pid ( last column output of netstat, should be something like 5812/java)
  4. Try investigate, what program used it. Run ps aux | grep xxxx where xxxx - pid from step 3
  5. Check program arguments and be sure it is Jboss instance.
  6. Check iptables settings, be sure incoming connection to 1099 is allowed from localhost ( it should be by default)
  7. try connect to port 1099
  8. Temporally disable iptables, if it possible.
  9. try connect to port 1099
  10. Check proxy settings, maybe you go to localhost through proxy.