Java – JSF h:inputText validation and f:ajax render


A very simple JSF applicaton:

  • InputText element is assigned with Validator.
  • f:ajax is used to render next element (phoneNumber) by using blur event.
  • PhoneNumber will only be displayed if inputText pass the validator and isValid boolean value is set to true

Here is the code snippet

<h:form id="invOrdersWizForm">                                  
    <h:inputText id="name" maxlength="9" styleClass="ordLabelNarrow"
        <f:ajax render="phoneLabel" event="blur"/>                                                              
    <h:outputText id="phoneLabel"
        styleClass="ordLabelWide" value="#{person.phoneNumber}" />


public void validatePerson(FacesContext context, UIComponent toValidate, Object value) {
    name = ((String) value).toUpperCase();
    phoneNumber = "12345678";
    isValid = true;

The problem is, for some reason, the phoneNumber is not rendered at all.

The only way that I can make it work is by changing f:ajax to render @form

<h:inputText id="name" maxlength="9" styleClass="ordLabelNarrow"
    <f:ajax render="@form" event="blur"/>                                                               

Or remove rendered from phoneNumber


For some reason f:ajax with specific element Id and rendered based on managedBean Attribute cannot co-exist.

Any idea or advice guys?

NOTE: this behaviour also happen when I use listener instead of validator

Best Answer

The f:ajax operates at the client side. The element which is specified in render must be already present in the client side HTML DOM tree. Put it in for example a h:panelGroup instead which is always rendered to the client side.

<h:panelGroup id="phoneLabel">
    <h:outputText rendered="#{person.isValid}" value="#{person.phoneNumber}" />