Java – @JsonIgnore with @Getter Annotation


Can I use @JsonIgnore with @Getter annotation from lombok without explicitly define the getter, because I have to use this JsonIgnore while serializing the object but while deserializing, the JsonIgnore annotation must be ignored so the field in my object must not be null?

public class User {

    private userName;

    private password;

I know, just by define the JsonIgnore on the getter of password I can prevent my password to be serialized but for that, I have to explicitly define the getter thing that I don't want.
Any idea please, Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

To put the @JsonIgnore to the generated getter method, you can use onMethod = @__( @JsonIgnore ). This will generate the getter with the specific annotation. For more details check

public class User {

    private userName;

    @Getter(onMethod = @__( @JsonIgnore ))
    private password;