Java – JSTL support in Weblogic


Im trying to start working with Java EE using Weblogic, and i cant make JSTL tags work, in simpliest code i get the following errors when deploying my application:

index.jsp:1:4: No tag library could be
found with this URI. Possible causes
could be that the URI is incorrect, or
that there were errors during parsing
of the .tld file. <%@taglib prefix="c"

^—-^ index.jsp:1:4: No tag
library could be found with this URI.
Possible causes could be that the URI
is incorrect, or that there were
errors during parsing of the .tld
file. <%@taglib prefix="c"

^—-^ index.jsp:2:4: No tag
library could be found with this URI.
Possible causes could be that the URI
is incorrect, or that there were
errors during parsing of the .tld
file. <%@taglib prefix="sql"

^—-^ index.jsp:2:4: No tag
library could be found with this URI.
Possible causes could be that the URI
is incorrect, or that there were
errors during parsing of the .tld
file. <%@taglib prefix="sql"

I downloaded taglib files from this website:
and put two jars(standard.jar and jstl.jar) under my WEB-INF directory. I also put there all the tld files from the arcihve.
Ater that i tried referencing them in my web.xml file and after validation i get the following error:

XML validation started. Checking
Referenced entity at
Referenced entity at
cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid
content was found starting with
element 'taglib'. One of
is expected. [12] XML validation

My web.xml goes as following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="2.5" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">









I believe that xml schema specified in the beginning of web.xml doesnt allow taglib tags, but i have no idea what schema i should use.

I'd really apprectiate some step by step tutorial for adding jstl support to weblogic. Thanks in advance.

Removing those <taglib>'s from web.xml ends up with erros such as following:

index.jsp:18:14: The tag handler class
was not found

and by the contents of c.tld file its clear that weblogic understands that forEach corresponds to org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.ForEachTag, but cant find the class. But i can manually find this class in standard.jar.

Best Answer

You have to include both jstl.jar and standard.jar in the WEB-INF/lib folder, not in the WEB-INF folder. I guess that will solve this problem.

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