Java – JUnit: how to avoid “no runnable methods” in test utils classes


I have switched to JUnit4.4 from JUnit3.8. I run my tests using ant, all my tests run successfully but test utility classes fail with "No runnable methods" error. The pattern I am using is to include all classes with name *Test* under test folder.

I understand that the runner can't find any method annotated with @Test attribute. But they don't contain such annotation because these classes are not tests.
Surprisingly when running these tests in eclipse, it doesn't complain about these classes.

In JUnit3.8 it wasn't a problem at all since these utility classes didn't extend TestCase so the runner didn't try to execute them.

I know I can exclude these specific classes in the junit target in ant script. But I don't want to change the build file upon every new utility class I add. I can also rename the classes (but giving good names to classes was always my weakest talent 🙂 )

Is there any elegant solution for this problem?

Best Answer

Annotate your util classes with @Ignore. This will cause JUnit not to try and run them as tests.