Java – maven-archetype-webapp eclipse problem


I'm trying to create a very simple webapp with maven and eclipse, but I'm having no joy at all, in fact the reverse of joy.

I go to File -> New Project, select Maven Project, and select the maven-archetype-webapp. When I finish the wizard, a webapp structure gets generated but with no 'java' directory under main, just resources and webapp.

So I right click on main and select new Class. The class gets created under resources (?!), and furthermore, there seems to be no compilation of it by java. I can make stupid errors and no syntax highlighting comes up. It's like java isn't recognizing it.

Alternatively I have tried creating a new 'java' directory under main where it should be, but still with the same non-existent java symptoms.

What gives? This is driving me insane..

Thanks all!

Best Answer

Simply create a java directory under main (i.e. src/main/java) and right-click on your project and select Maven > Update Project Configuration.