Java – Maven assembly plugin chmod output folder


I am trying to use the maven-assembly plugin like so to build a zip of my project JAR and all libraries needed to run it:


My assembly looks like:


This works and makes the proper zip.

Then the fileMode flag on the dependencySet gives each element inside of LIB a 755 CHMOD. The problem is, the actual LIB folder itself stays 777. Is there a way to make the LIB folder also get a 755?

Making maven do things it doesn't want to do always makes me sad 🙁

Best Answer

This is really weird, but following snippet of pom.xml will set 0755 mode to all directories of assembly. Though, I think this isn't very reliable (future-proof), as, obviously, maven authors intended to use well-known Unix octal notation to specify directory access mode, not decimal equivalent.

                    <!-- 493D == 0755, seems to be assembly plugin bug -->

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