Java – Multithreaded batch processing to write to and read from database


I am supposed to design a component which should achieve the following tasks by using multiThreading in Java as the files are huge/multiple and the task has to happen in a very short window:

  1. Read multiple csv/xml files and save all the data in database
  2. Read the database and write the data in separate files csv & xmls as per the txn types. (Each file may contain different types of records life file header, batch header, batchfooter, file footer, different transactions, and checksum record)

I am very new to multithreading & doing some research on Spring Batch in order to use it for the above tasks.

Please let me know what you suggest to use traditional multithreading in Java or Spring Batch. The input sources are multiple here and output sources are also multiple.

Best Answer

I would recommend going with something from framework rather than writing whole threading part yourself. I've quite successfully used Sping's tasks and scheduling for scheduled tasks that involved reaching data from DB, doing some processing, and sending emails, writing data back to database).