Java – MySQL Data Truncation Error


I'm working with a fairly simple database, from a Java application. We're trying to insert about 200k of text at a time, using the standard JDBC mysql adapter. We intermittently get a com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column error.

The column type is longtext, and database collation is UTF-8. The error shows up using both MyISAM and InnoDB table engines. Max packet size has been set ot 1 GB on both client and server sides, so that shouldn't be causing a problem, either.

Best Answer

Check that your UTF-8 data is all 3-byte Unicode. If you have 4-byte characters (legal in Unicode and Java, illegal in MySQL 5), it can throw this error when you try to insert them. This is an issue that should be fixed in MySQL 6.0.