Java, NetBean : Access web.xml context parameters from Web Service method

javanetbeansweb services

I am new to java so excuse my lame questions:)

I am trying to build a web service in Java NetBeans 6.1 , but I have some troubles with configuration parameters ( like .settings in .net).

What is the right way to save and access such settings in a java web service.

Is there a way to read context parameters from web.xml in a web method?

If no what are the alternatives for storing your configuration variables like pathnames ?

Thank you

Best Answer

Is there a way to read context parameters from web.xml in a web method?

No, this is not easily done using the out-of-the-box. The Web Service system (JAX-WS) has minimal awareness of the Servlet engine (Tomcat). They are designed to be isolated.

If you wanted to use the context parameters, your web service class would need to implement ServletContextListener and retrieve the desired parameters in the initialization parameter (or save the context for later use). Since the Servlet engine and JAX-WS would each have different instances of the object, you'd need to save the values to a static member.

As Lars mentioned, the Properties API or JNDI are your best bets as they're included with Java and are fairly well-known ways to retrieve options. Use Classloader.getResource() to retrieve the Properties in a web context.

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