Java – permanently set java heap size on Windows pc


I recently downloaded the latest Java 1.6 JDK. I'm using VisualVM which came with the SDK to test/monitor my webapp (using Tomcat server) on my local pc. I'm running Windows XP.

Where are the parameters located for setting the min. and max. java heap size? VisualVM indicates that the max. heap is at about 256mb. I looked in the server.xml file for Tomcat, but didn't find any settings in there.

Thank you

Best Answer

You can use the JAVA_OPTS environment variable for dealing with java heap size. This variable can be added as a environment variable as well as you can define a configuration line in the startup.bat file.

Add the following line in the startup.bat file.

set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m

You can add this as environment variable as said.