Java – Persistence Context


I am new to the Java world and JPA. I was studying JPA and came across many new terms like Entity, persistence. While reading, I could not understand the exact definition for Persistence Context.

Can anyone explain it in simple laymen terms? What is it to do with the data used in the @Entity?

For example, I find this definition too complicated to understand:

A persistence context is a set of entities such that for any persistent identity there is a unique entity instance.

Best Answer

A persistence context handles a set of entities which hold data to be persisted in some persistence store (e.g. a database). In particular, the context is aware of the different states an entity can have (e.g. managed, detached) in relation to both the context and the underlying persistence store.

Although Hibernate-related (a JPA provider), I think these links are useful:

In Java EE, a persistence context is normally accessed via an EntityManager.

The various states an entity can have and the transitions between these are described below: