Java – Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration error in eclipse with pluginManagement in parent pom


I have jaxws-maven-plugin in parent pom.xml in the pluginManagement tag and I am referring to this plugin in the child pom.

mvn clean install is running fine. But, eclipse is complaining that
"Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:jaxws-maven-plugin:1.12:wsimport (execution: FirstWsdl, phase: generate-sources)".

Could you suggest how to avoid this error in eclipse?

parent pom


                <vmArg .../>


child pom


I looked at this question and reply How to solve "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" for Spring Data Maven Builds, but, should I use pluginManagement both in parent and child pom to avoid this error?

Best Answer

If you can't find connectior you can turn off this error in eclipse because as a documentation says:

To get the Maven execution from within Eclispe to work you don't have to do anything.

so go to Eclipse: Preferences -> Maven -> Error/Warnings and change Error to Warning in option: Plugin execution not converted by lifecycle configuration

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