Java: Preferences API vs. Apache Commons Configuration


I need to allow the user to store/load an arbitrary number of lists of objects (assume they are Serializable). Conceptually I want a data model like

class FooBean { /* bean stuff here */ }

class FooList {
    final private Set<FooBean> items = new HashSet<FooBean>();

    public boolean add(FooBean item) { return items.add(item); }
    public boolean remove(FooBean item) { return items.remove(item); }
    public Collection<FooBean> getItems() { 
       return Collections.unmodifiableSet(items); 

class FooStore {
    public FooStore() {
       /* something... uses Preferences or Commons Configuration */ 
    public FooList load(String key) {
       /* something... retrieves a FooList associated with the key */ 
    public void store(String key, FooList items) { 
       /* something... saves a FooList under the given key */

Should I use the Preferences API or Commons Config? What's the advantages of each?

Best Answer

Well, commons-configuration is, like many of apache project, an abstraction layer allowing one to seemlessly use preferences, an ldap store, properties files, and so on. So, your question could be rewritten as is : Will you need to change the format you use to store your preferences ? If no, java preferences are the way to go. Elsewhere, consider the portability of commons configuration.