Java – Preferred Windows Java Development Environment


I've been a Linux Java developer for years and have loved it. I just got a new laptop which is running Windows 7. I could wipe the drive and go back to my typical Linux dev setup: vim for editing, tabbed Bash windows running javac and java for smaller projects, ant for big projects

That said, I'm really thinking it couldn't hurt to learn to develop in a new environment. So, with that in mind, are there any Windows-based Java devs out there? What setup do you like to use to get things done? It'd be interesting to hear both ways to emulate my Linux-based environment as well as completely different styles that I might benefit from trying.

Best Answer

I use NetBeans for all my Java development work, also on a laptop. (I recommend not wiping the drive of a laptop, as special software for laptop-specific features, e.g. webcam and Bios configuration, might not run on Linux: use virtualization for Linux)

Besides NetBeans I have Notepad++ for all "quick & dirty" programming, though start-up times for NetBeans 6.8 are so good and memory consumption is quite low, I often have NetBeans open all the time. NetBeans has ANT, and it has an intergrated console (with input!) for your smaller projects. No need to run in a seperate window.

It takes some time to configure everything right in Netbeans & Notepad++ (think of templates, code-completion timing, indentation, colouring, paths, etc.) but once you've got it, it works like a charm.

I tried Eclipse, but it's really a matter of taste; I never have liked SWT applications.